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Competitions Results from Perfect North Slopes Big Air's
Expert Class Jan 13

1st Coby Senoff with

Switch 3 tail grab
Switch 7
attempted corked 7 ??

2nd Eric Dorsey with

Two 720's and- attempted 9

3rd Alex Elam with

3 mute

That is a pic of my first backflip...yay Alex
The comps are a lot of fun, usually they have music playing and anouncers and everyone is throwing down some big stuff so come out and watch if you get the chance! Soon we will be allowed to invert in the comps and it will be more fun!

Here are the results of the second big air from Jan 19
Expert Class Jan 19

1st was Abrahm Barnett but I didnt even know he was in my class so Im not sure what he did??oops

2nd was me Alex Elam with a 360x and a 180 crashed and faceplanted and then a 360 mute

3rd was Erin..Gessner I beleive? i dont know him but I think he had 2 attempted 7's and a 3x, but Im not totally sure

Freezing Point (these kids organize everything at Perfect North)

Future Events at Perfect North Slopes
February 9th - Skier-X ......

February 10th - Big Air......

February 23rd - Skier-X ......

February 24th - Big Air......


There is a hoodie I won in the last comp.....
I picked that one out because it was the flashiest most hidious one I could find and I love it!